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Statute of the Award IUS et SOCIETAS

  1. The Award “IUS et SOCIETAS” is announced by the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University, the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, and the Jan Hus Educational Foundation (hereafter “the Award announcers”) in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic and the Public Defender of Rights (hereafter “cooperating institutions”). The Award announcers and cooperating institutions select the joint competition theme and participate in the work of the panel.
  2. The Award is conferred yearly for the essay containing the most interesting suggestions, views and questions related to the role of law and justice in society. All university students on Master’s, Bachelor’s and doctoral study programmes may participate in the competition by submitting essays in the Czech, Slovak or English language.  The specific theme is announced separately for students of Master’s and Bachelor’s studies and for students of doctoral studies.
  3. The recommendation for the conferment of the Award is made by a panel of at least 8 members. Each of the Award announcers and cooperating institutions appoint their representatives as the members of the panel. The panel can be complemented by eminent members appointed by the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University (hereafter MU FSS), the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University (hereafter MU FLaw), and the Jan Hus Educational Foundation (hereafter JHEF). Membership on the panel is honorary.
  4. The panel may request external reviews for the purpose of the assessment of the essays. The panel elects the panel chairman who is responsible for leading the panel meeting. Over half of the members must vote for the appointment of a panel member to become the chairman. The panel has a quorum if there are not less than two thirds of the members present. If the votes are evenly divided, the chairman’s vote will be decisive. The panel has the right not to recommend the conferment of the Award.
  5. The awarding ceremony is held in the presence of the representatives of the Award announcers and is open to public attendance. The Award is given by the chairman jointly with the representatives of MU FSS, MU FLaw, and JHEF. The Award consists of a certificate signed by the representatives of the Award announcers and cooperating institutions and a financial or other prize given by the Award announcers or by other bodies approved by the Award announcers. Award-winners have the right to give a speech at the ceremony.
  6. Every year MU FSS, MU FLaw, and JHEF are responsible for the announcement of the Award and the rules and conditions. MU FLaw is responsible for the registration and acceptance of the essays, administration linked to the work of the panel and the awarding ceremony.
  7. This statute has been approved by the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University, the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, and the Jan Hus Educational Foundation. The statute has been approved upon by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic and the Public Defender of Rights. The statute is public and accessible on the web pages of the Award announcers and cooperating institutions.

Statute of the Award (in Czech)

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