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Year I: academic year 2007/2008

The Award IUS et SOCIETAS is conferred for essays containing the most interesting suggestions, views and questions related to the role of law and justice in society.

For the first year, the announcers and cooperating institutions have selected the following common themes:

  • The individual and the possibility of claiming their rights through judicial means.
  • How does parliament, government and judiciary itself contribute to the citizen’s confidence in the law?
  • Majority rule and government of laws or otherwise how often should the Constitution be changed?
  • The role of the court and the role of media in the public view of justice.

The winners and their essays

1st prize – JUDr. Ondřej Moravec | Faculty of Law of Masaryk University

Essay: „Vláda většiny a vláda práva aneb jak často měnit ústavu“ (Majority rule and government of laws or otherwise how often should the Constitution be changed)

Grant: 40,000,- CZK

 Working for download (254.5 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

2nd prize – JUDr. David Kosař, LLM | Faculty of Law of Masaryk University

Essay: “The role of the court and the role of media in the public view of justice (Media and Criticism of Judges: Road to Perdition or Genuine Check upon the Judiciary?)”

Grant: 25,000,- CZK

 Working for download (231.2 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

3rd prize – Bc. Sylvia Laurincová | Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University

Essay: „Jaký je podíl parlamentu, vlády a samotné justice na důvěře občana v právo?“ (How does parliament, government and judiciary itself contribute to the citizen’s confidence in the law?)

Grant: 15,000,- CZK

 Working for download (245.3 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

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