Home > Year II (2008/2009) > Panel
The Panel
The panel which recommended for the conferment of the Award:
- JUDr. Otakar Motejl, Public Defender of Rights
- Mgr. Tomáš Langášek, LL.M., Secretary General of the Consitutional Court
- JUDr. Iva Brožová, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
- JUDr. Zdeněk Koudelka, Ph.D., Deputy Supreme Public Prosecutor
- doc. JUDr. Zdeněk Kühn, Ph.D., LL.M., for the Supreme Administrative Court
- doc. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr., vice dean of the Faculty of Law of Massaryk University
- Mgr. Tomáš Němeček, editor of the Lidové noviny newspaper, for the Jan Hus Educational Foundation